Iwona Durlak

Senior Partner

0330 107 0106 i.durlak@imd.co.uk

Iwona is a family specialist lawyer and as a Partner and co-founder of IMD she is overseeing providing of services to all individual clients of the firm. She ensures that each case is assessed individually, and that clients’ needs are fully understood by her team. It is paramount that our experts and clients connect on the journey to achieve just and fair result in each matter.

She deals with international family law and international probate. Her expertise encompasses all aspects of family law with the focus on international divorce and finances. Iwona also regularly represents Clients in complex probate cases involving Estates with multiple properties located in foreign jurisdiction or cases where the deceased dies abroad leaving properties in the UK.

Iwona provides personal, bespoke and compassionate legal advice and is always focused on achieving the best possible result for the Client.

She is also overseeing work of other departments, such as immigration and criminal, ensuring that all matters with international legal aspects are dealt with by appropriate experts and lawyers with adequate experience. She carefully selects the team for each case and works with the best experts and barristers in the country and has a trusted web of partners in other jurisdictions.

Notable cases:

F v F

Iwona acted for a German Husband in a division of matrimonial assets case. The Husband has been largely cut off from matrimonial wealth due to conflict with his Wife. The high value matrimonial assets were located across different countries mainly in Dubai, Spain, UK, Poland. Significant part of the family assets was formed by a business in the UK. Valuation of the assets required many experts’ opinions and emerging issues such as conduct, allegations of dissipating, hiding assets and severe conflict between the parties has made the litigation challenging and lengthy. The end result exceeded client’s expectations.

K v K

Iwona represented a Polish Wife forced out of the family business incorporated during the parties’ marriage, which the Wife has helped to develop and grow. The Wife has been left with no access to the company’s assets, and the business despite being profitable, due to its nature, has been valued at zero by the experts. Iwona did not stop the fight for her client to ensure that despite the experts’ views on the value of the company, the Wife receives a settlement and she can start a new chapter in her life.

S v S

Iwona acted for an adult son, who has not been sufficiently provided for in the Will of his Late Father. The Father left majority of his Estate to charities, leaving only a relatively small sum to his son. Despite challenging circumstances the final settlement for the client has been increased by 60%.

Clients’ testimonials:

“Amazing Company Fair and open Charge Policy. Just had a complex divorce with a very challenging partner. IMD great team steered me out of the toxic situation with big success. Iwona Olex and Marcin are fair and very professional. Full hearted approach and extremely professional. IMD not the problem they are the SOLUTION to simple and complex legal problems. Top ranking. Very Grateful the best firm I ever deal with.”

“Wonderful prompt service couldn’t fault it on any level. Ms Iwona worked miracle providing us with everything within hours! Very friendly staff too made the whole experience exceptional. Thank you so much from the bottoms of our hearts. L & E”

“Working with Mrs Durlak and her assistants was really good. They were able to explain, advise, support and help to go through my difficult case. The end result was a win for us and this is what I am very grateful for. Full professionalism, excellent communication and support during the worst moments. Really recommend!!!”

Iwona in the media:

Awards and Accreditations